Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Ragnarok Animation

Posted by Unknown On 23.03 | No comments

Raganrok ONLINE, laris manis.
Penggantinya Ragnarok animasi sebagai penutup hidangan.

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Genre : Aksi , Petualang , Grup , Fantasy

  1. Why Do You Wield That Sword?    DISINI
  2. Be Good To Me, Big Brother    DISINI
  3. I Believe    DI SINI
  4. Is That the Best You Can Do?   DI SINI
  5. What Did You Just Say?     DISINI
  6. I Won't Let Anyone Get In My Way!    DISINI
  7. Will You Comfort Me?!?     DI SINI
  8. Life Is Precious      DISINI
  9. All For the Truth      DI SINI
  10. You're My Brother, Aren't You?!?    DISINI
  11. All is Only Despair     DISINI
  12. I Can't Do It     DISINI
  13. The Protector     DISINI
  14. Why Won't You Answer?     DISINI
  15. Don't Worry, I'm Here     DISINI
  16. I Can't Save Anyone    DISINI
  17. You Are Already Tainted     DISINI
  18. I've Known All Along    DISINI
  19. We'll Always Be Together    DISINI
  20. It's Okay     DISINI
  21. I Need You     DISINI
  22. Who's the Lonely One?    DISINI
  23. Good Bye    DISINI
  24. Place of Reckoning    DISINI
  25. One Who Realizes His Mistake    DISINI
  26. For the Sake of Our Future     DI SINI

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